As a new musician, you want to show the world that your band or solo-project is great. Perhaps, you already have a lot of fans, but you want to get more fans. Or you want to promote your band to record companies or event organizers to get them to hire you. There are many ways to make your band more known, one way is to make an electronic press kit or EPK. Maybe, you are not very familiar with this term. But, this is very important for a musician. So, how to make an electronic press kit for your band?


Before we go any further in creating an EPK, it is better to understand what an EPK is. I will briefly explain the electronic press kit and how it is so important for a musician. Well, an EPK or electronic press kit looks like a social media page that contains everything important about your band including the type of music, social media, website, history, the origin of the band, band members, and so on.

In general, an electronic press kit is a profile page about your band that is aimed specifically at promoting your band to the music industry rather than your fans. You may already have a website for your band, but your band’s website is meant to attract fans. Meanwhile, EPK is basically made for attracting music industry professionals so they want to hire your band.

You can present your band through an EPK and show that your band is awesome. For your information, not all bands or musicians have electronic press kits. They don’t even know how important an EPK is. Meanwhile, many popular musicians rely on EPKs and they have great success because many record companies or event organizers became interested in their bands after they read all about their band on the EPK and watched videos besides listening to their music.


It is very easy to create an electronic press kit for your band anyway. This is almost similar to creating a website for a band, but it is simpler and easier. Read the following tips for creating an EPK for your band.

  • Choose the right tool for you
    As usual, when you want to build a web page including an electronic press kit, then you have to choose the best tools for this. There are many options that you can choose from. You can design your EPK with dedicated online services, with PowerPoint (export as PDF!) or dedicated graphic design software like InDesign.
  • Choose the right design
    Since your EPK equals your business card, you need to choose the right design. Does your Band have a specific color scheme? Do you have a specific font? Use it! An EPK is usually a small piece of art itself.
  • Create your band biography
    A biography includes the origin of your band, your experience in the world of music, your band members, your band profile, and much more. Biography is the most important part if you want to introduce your band through an EPK. You can write a band biography honestly but you must use interesting language. Use formal language so that everyone will feel comfortable reading your band biography.
  • Connect to your audio
    Since you are a musician, then you have to show the work of your band which is the music. If you have uploaded your songs to networks such as Spotify, YouTube, SoundCloud, and so on, then you can link the EPK to those websites. When an agent or promoter wants to hire your band, then he or she can access your music through the EPK. You can link it to your best single or album. If they like your songs, they will contact you immediately. By the way: If you need help with mixing and mastering, feel free to contact me.
  • Show your band pictures
    In addition to audio, you should also insert some photos of your band in the electronic press kit. Of course, you have to choose your best photos. If you don’t have good photos you should hire a professional photographer to take some pictures on your next gig.
  • Show your best videos
    Instead of audio and pictures, you also need to upload your band videos to your EPK page. Certainly, the video should contain a performance video when you play your band’s songs. Promoters can see your action on stage from the video and know how many spectators have watched your band performance. Also, bookers can decide if you fit their location.
  • Testimonials from other figures
    People will believe that your band is really good if many people write positive testimonials about your band. Therefore, you can use some press quotes and testimonials that you embed to your electronic press kit. However, you should be honest with it and make sure the testimonials are real. Bonus points if you provide a link.
  • Add your contact details
    Another very important part when you make an EPK is the contact details. Nobody can contact you if you do not put your phone number and email address on your electronic press kit.

Finally, those are a few tips on how to make an electronic press kit for your band. Anyway, EPK can be very important so that promoters and agents can get information about your band so they know that your band is reliable and good. You should show your best on your EPK and make sure that you are not lying. Now, you can create your electronic press kit for your band and show the world that your band is amazing.

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